Click the link above to visit our Facebook Community. This is a public community where we post educational information and current news highlighting different mental health issues.

MHA is a national leader in mental health support, recovery, and advocacy. DMHG is an associate member which enables us to tap into many resources to help our community with their support. Check out our Mental Health Screening and education Tool for Depression, Anxiety - Bipolar Disorder, and much more.

Click the link above to view our contact information or use our form to send us a message. This page also contains a map and directions to our in-person support group.

Contact of Northern IL (815.233.4357) staff offers a Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Certificate training to the general public. MHFA allows for early detection and intervention by teaching participants about the signs and symptoms of specific illnesses like anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, and addictions. To learn more call 815.233.4357 or email contactofnil@gmail.com.
Voices of Stephenson County (815.235.9421) staff is available to give presentations on the following topics:
Overview of Domestic Violence – presentation focuses on all areas of domestic violence and discusses why individuals stay in an unhealthy relationship, power and control, and why domestic violence is such a vicious cycle. This presentation is ideal for adults and teens.
Domestic Violence and its Impact on Children – this presentation focuses on the effects that domestic violence has on children who are experiencing violence in their homes. This presentation is ideal for anyone who works with children.
Domestic Violence and the Criminal Justice System – this presentation focuses on safety planning, the Illinois Domestic Violence Act, and the legal remedies that are in place to help a victim of domestic violence. This presentation is appropriate for adults interested in the legal help available to victims of domestic violence.
Emergency Response to Domestic Violence – this presentation focuses on responding to a domestic violence emergency. This presentation is ideal for ambulance personnel and first responders to an actual scene and can be reasonably modified for emergency room personnel.
Domestic Violence and How it Affects Employers – this presentation focuses on the legalities, requirements, and specific issues that affect employers who have an employee who is a victim of domestic violence. This presentation is appropriate for any employer.
Clergy Response to Domestic Violence – this presentation focuses on how religion can be used as a “roadblock” or a “resource” for victims of domestic violence. Discussion centers around why couples counseling doesn’t work, and how clergy can help victims of domestic violence. This presentation is appropriate for the clergy of all denominations.
Community of Support

Use the link above to access our online support group. Please note: This is a closed group in order to protect the privacy of our members. If you are not a current member of the group, please request to join. We usually accept new members on a regular basis.

This free support group is for individuals and family members affected by mental illness. No reservations are needed. Meetings are held the first and third Wed of each month from 6 - 7:30pm and covers a mental illness topic, discussion, and provides each participant the opportunity to discuss their personal issues or concerns about a loved one.

Click the link above to visit our section of the website dedicated to you. We are unique in that we have a special focus on providing support to family members. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us via our contact form on this site should you need additional assistance.